In Conversation With Youth Development Enthusiast & Human Capital Specialist, John Appiah

The New York Times recently published a piece entitled, “The World is Becoming More African” in view of the statistic that by 2050, one in four people on the globe will be African. There’s so much that we at Songhai Advisory are observing from the ground, in conversation with young people, women and entrepreneurs, that speaks to the vibrancy and innovation on the continent. It’s an exciting time!

As part of our on-going quest to learn more about the direction of travel for the continent, we’re delighted to have had the opportunity to speak with a first and second generation African entrepreneur, youth empowerment enthusiast and human capital development specialist, John Appiah. His work in healthcare, leadership development and youth are key pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in this inspiring 45 min interview, he shares his top tips for juggling multiple businesses, staying focused and keeping it real. It's a refreshing conversation which will leave you feeling energised and ready to tackle your 'to-do' list with ease! Enjoy!!

Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

We are an African-owned and managed firm with a global perspective, delivering local knowledge supporting transformative and sustainable strategic decision-making since 2010. For more, please get in touch at We would love to hear from you.